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    Take Advantage

    of Solar Energy

    Taking advantage of your home’s solar energy is more important now than ever with rising energy prices. You can do this by adding a Solar System that comes with a battery, which stores electricity for later use. This is especially useful at night when there tends to be the most demand. Keep in mind that new installations come with batteries, but if you have an existing array, don’t worry–you can still retrofit it!

    At Green Home Developments, we combine cutting-edge technology with unparalleled expertise, ensuring every solar panel installation is performed with precision, efficiency, and adherence to the highest safety standards.

    Power Your

    Home or Business

    If you’re looking to power your home or business with renewable energy, solar panels are the way to go. At our store, we carry monocrystalline, polycrystalline, bi-facial and half-cell solar panels, batteries and inverters that have been made to work well with a variety of property types. Plus, each type of solar panel comes with its own set benefits and features that make generating photovoltaic energy and solar thermal possible.

    Store Your


    Solar panels only generate electricity when it’s light outside, which is often when you’re not at home because of daytime activities. This can cause problems if your home uses more electricity than the solar panel produces. A battery will store any unused energy so that you can use it later without having to draw from the grid.

    Environmentally Friendly

    Solar energy is one of the cleanest sources of energy. Unlike fossil fuels, it doesn’t release harmful pollutants into the environment. By choosing solar, you’re contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change.

    Energy Independence

    Solar energy allows you to become less dependent on the grid, providing a reliable source of energy even in the event of power outages. With the addition of a battery storage system, you can store excess solar power for use during nighttime or cloudy days.

    What Are

    Solar Inverters?

    The solar inverter is a key component in any solar panel system. It takes the direct current (DC) electricity captured by the solar panels and converts it into alternating current (AC). AC current is what powers your home appliances and connects you to the National Grid. In most cases, it equals either 120 volts or 240 volts depending on the country. Without a solar inverter, you would be unable to power your home safely from your solar energy source.

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    We are more than happy to answer any questions you have about our services to give you clarity in whether we are the right fit for you, so feel free to get in touch.

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