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    Damp Proofing

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    What Is Rising Damp?

    As the name suggests, rising damp starts at the bottom of an internal wall and then moves upwards, this is due to capillary action. Porous bricks, mortar and cement in the ground floor and internal wall absorb water and suck it upwards, like a straw. The internal wall becomes permanently moist, encouraging the growth of mould and even damaging structures.

    While damp proof courses (DPC) prevent water from being drawn up by the brick work stopping rising damp, they can become damaged over time, making a rising damp problem more likely in an older property as the older the DPC the more likely it can fail.

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    Why Choose Our Damp Proofing Services?

    Our damp proofing services are an investment in the longevity and health of your green home. We use cutting-edge, eco-friendly damp proofing technologies and materials, designed to work in harmony with your home’s natural features and the surrounding environment. These solutions are energy-efficient, minimising your carbon footprint while ensuring your home remains dry and free from damp.

    Proven Expertise in Green Home Developments

    With an extensive track record of serving green home developments across the UK, we understand the unique damp proofing needs of sustainable homes. Our team of professionals is trained to the highest standards, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle any damp proofing challenge your green home may present.

    Sustainable Damp Proofing Techniques

    We believe that damp proofing should be as green as the homes we serve. Our techniques are environmentally friendly, using biodegradable chemicals and sustainable materials wherever possible. We aim to reduce waste, recycle resources, and respect the environment throughout the damp proofing process.

    Comprehensive Damp Proofing Services

    We offer a complete range of damp proofing services. From initial damp surveys to diagnose the extent and source of the problem, to applying damp proof courses and installing damp proof membranes, we cover every aspect of the damp proofing process. We also provide aftercare advice to help you maintain a damp-free environment in your green home.

    Customer-Centric Approach

    We pride ourselves on our commitment to customer satisfaction. Our damp proofing services are tailored to suit the individual needs of each green home development we work with. We take the time to understand your needs and concerns, then design a damp proofing solution that aligns with your eco-friendly values while effectively combating dampness.


    Signs of Rising Damp

    You can identify rising damp in properties where the ground level has been changed; for example with the installation of a new driveway or path which then ‘breaches’ the DPC and moisture has a pathway over.

    One clear indication of rising damp on the outside is the presence of tide marks or visible damp patches on the brickwork or masonry, usually extending up to one meter above ground level. The staining is caused by the moisture being drawn from the ground and, in some cases, may be accompanied by a white, powdery substance known as efflorescence, which results from salt deposits left behind as water evaporates. Additionally, the constant exposure to moisture can cause mortar joints to deteriorate, leading to cracks and gaps between bricks or stones.

    • Tidemarks & staining
    • Peeling wallpaper
    • Damp or musty odour
    • Rotting of skirting boards
    • Black mould
    • Crumbling mortar
    General Damp Proofing

    Get in Touch Today

    In conclusion, when it comes to protecting your green home development from the damaging effects of damp, we are the damp proofing service provider you can trust. Our services are not just about resolving damp issues, but about doing so in a way that respects the environment and aligns with your commitment to sustainable living. Contact us today for an assessment of your green home’s damp proofing needs and let us help you maintain the integrity and sustainability of your eco-friendly home.

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